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Unreal Engine 4: Environment Course Vol. 1 - The Bigger Picture
Course Introduction
Course Preview (5:42)
Software & Plugins List 📝
Project Files
Blocking In The Space // Maya (56:47)
Analyzing the Blockout (19:10)
Creating Room For Story (3:04)
Modeling // Sculpting // Retopology & Unwrapping Tips
Basemesh To Zbrush To Substance Painter Workflow (8:48)
Sculpting Wood Details In ZBRUSH ✍️ (29:48)
How To Retop and Unwrap In Zbrush (4:56)
Unreal Engine Tips
Capturing Crisp Video And Image Renders (4:13)
Extras: Optimization Techniques and Software Tips (Maya x Max x Unreal x Zbrush x Painter)
Substance Painter: Anchor Points (12:10)
Substance Painter: Baking On Hard Edges (15:19)
Substance Painter: "PassThrough" Blend Mode (1:53)
Objects Physics Simulation (13:17)
Zbrush Detail Projection (4:12)
Substance Painter: Triplanar Projection (3:21)
Zbrush: Layers & Sharpen Detail Trick (1:07)
Channel Packing Textures in Photoshop, Designer, & Painter (8:18)
Textel Density (6:21)
Lightmaps (10:43)
How I Texture (42:02)
Creation Videos
Blocking The Scene In Realtime
Tiling Bricks (60:17)
Wooden Stools (145:38)
Tree Stumps (120:01)
Wall Shelf (20:34)
Window (64:10)
Witch Hat (10:00)
Apples (42:34)
Wooden Bench (29:23)
Books (47:22)
Bookshelf (63:16)
Bowls (24:53)
Candles (64:14)
Desk Board (46:56)
Door (113:52)
Concrete Steps (52:42)
Firewood (23:32)
Large Desk
Misc Progress
Misc Wooden Objects (87:55)
Wooden Planks (152:42)
Rug (13:39)
Creating Room For Story
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